Saturday, October 10, 2009

Workplace Safety Tips - My Top Ten List

Maintaining a safe workplace is almost but not entirely unlike following OSHA regulations. If compliance with OSHA regulations at your lowest cost in advance your goal is, then I recommend you read on another site. However, if you're really in the sense of your employees safe and productive in your workplace interested then here are some workplace safety tips for you. They could even help you comply with OSHA regulations on some of the ways.

My Top Ten Workplace SafetyTips:

Watch out for a clean work surface. Not only will you remove many hazards from a workspace by selecting it clean, but you also become a more productive work environment for your employees.
Use the guards and engineering solutions wherever possible, rather than relying on PPE - personal protective equipment. PPE is difficult to police and uncomfortable to wear. Find a way to prevent exposure in the first place. Your employees will be much more productive if they are comfortable
SupposeYour employees want, safely and give them that chance. Many safety incentive programs came up with the idea that employees want to get hurt and you do not need to bribe to support their hand in the machine floor. If you use the idea, then these tips are not for you.
Give clear work instructions. Make sure your employees know the proper way to do what you expect from them. Not only do not do them a list of things. Safety instructions contained in each procedure that youwrite.
Does not dwell on the worst case, but occur on what is most likely. Start by giving your energy to help prevent your most common incidents. This means you must register to keep an accurate OSHA incident, even if it's bad, some managers, the report looks like you.
Love your employees. Not to be confused with something you might have received a sexual harassment claim. I mean, take care of your employees and let them you know. When a machine is becoming unsafe, shut it beforesomeone is injured.
Spend time getting to know the work of your employees. Even if you once that work is done, it is likely it is applied differently by different people. Look at what people actually do and compare them to the written procedure. If the procedure is different from practice to find out why.
Maintain the machine in good condition. Often, employees receive in dangerous situations, as he can compensate for a machine defect or wear. In the case ofwear, it can so slowly that they think it is normal occurred. A strong preventive maintenance program provides a strong safety program.
Avoid unnecessary risks. Search for new materials or equipment which are exposed to the dangers that can eliminate your employees.
Watch out for a clean work surface. See occupational safety tip number one above. Potential exposures to hazardous materials and conditions can be dramatically reduced simply by the work area clean. And the benefit of employeesProductivity and morale is worth the effort, even without the safety incentive.

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