Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Cat in the Hat Party: Perfect for Rainy Days

The Dr. Seuss classic was "Cat in the Hat" published in 1957, but based on the 2003 movie rendition, more than 100 million U.S. dollars to the U.S. einspielte box office, it is still a popular story. Like all the books of Dr. Seuss, the book has a poetic rhyme characters with unusual names and stories that capture the attention of the reader. Hat Of all the Dr. Seuss books out there, "Cat in the" is by far the most popular. The story is basically about two children who leftdo nothing at home, because it's raining outside. The Cat in the Hat comes and offers an afternoon of wild chaos that has intentions of fun, but falls just destruction. In good children's story mode, at the end of history, the order is restored and everything ends well.

Unlike the children in the Cat in the Hat, children of today can fill their time with video games and surfing the Internet when they are forced to play at home due to extreme weather conditions. While the images of chaosCan swim around the head when considering a Cat in the Hat party, it can help you turn out to lure them from the electronic devices and to be a great fun for you and your children.

The good news about a Cat in the Hat is a party that almost anything is possible. Children can dress in their colorful pajamas and represent what one Thing, and two in the story. If you have more than one child you can have Thing Three, Four Thing, and so on. You can, the Cat in the Hat, the master ofCeremony. Of course, you must perform tricks and make a bad balancing act. Children may be denied to a settlement. The one who crosses the first line without dropping a book or other object gaining on the head. Do not forget the food. Use green food coloring to make green eggs and ham too.

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