Sunday, July 11, 2010

Five Health Risks Summertime can avoid

Summer is the time to relax and go on vacation, the weather is warm, and children go to school. It is also the time of year when people go out. The health risks of summer are different from the health hazards of winter. Here are five health risks can be avoided in summer.

Too much sun

Too much sun can cause some problems. may on the one hand, spending too much time involved burn Sun Sunburn can be painful, but the greatestRisk of burns is that they cause skin cancer. Avoid exposure to direct sun during peak hours, with sunscreen, cover, and to avoid a hat, sunburn and may reduce the risk of skin cancer. Excessive sun can also affect the eyes, choose sunglasses which block UV light in order to protect them.


Most people are chronically dehydrated. Although people do not drink enough water in winterMonths during the summer, dehydration may be worse. If you're dehydrated, you may not be able to cool sufficiently, which could lead to heat stroke, sweating. To prevent dehydration, maintain the available water, drink water at frequent intervals and cut soda (soda can worsen dehydration).


Every year more than 3,000 people drown in the pool, while others drown while boating. If you have a pool and a child, is a good idea to install a swimming poolFence. Supervise children while bathing and avoid the damage could lead to accidents .. When boating, wear life jackets. Remember that alcohol and navigation do not mix.


In summer, people tend more time in areas where insects congregate, how to spend forests. Insect bites can cause itching, redness and severe diseases such as Lyme disease and West Nile virus. The best thing to prevent these diseases is to prevent insect bites in the first place.Use insect repellent and citronella candles to keep the mistakes and avoid wearing perfumes or scented creams may attract.

Food Poisoning

If you attend barbecues, and Pot Luck campout this summer, will have to be careful to avoid food poisoning. Make sure the meat you eat properly cooked. Avoid foods with mayonnaise, milk or other foods that are refrigerated when sitting in the sun too long must.During cooking, preventing cross-contamination can occur when food is already cooked (or not cooked) in areas where raw meat.

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