Saturday, September 25, 2010

The only house in the world (PIP)

haunted house. Whenever a house. The only place where you can be sure where to go after a long day, locked the door behind you, all you do not get lost in the house and after collapse on the couch. This is the place you have reached the majority of suspicion and fear. The victims, if this is the correct term for them is a worrying always refer to the cave of "The House", as if no other house in the world. As if, and perhaps this is indeed the case,God is for their home. It is not the voice, no vision, the feeling. The feeling inside is cold, your intestines are very cold, his tongue to the palate, as if the roof of the mouth is actually a light pole in the winter. I told my father, who was never in the room. He laughed and gave me a camera, and he told me to go get him. Behind the door is another door from the cabinet and another and another. And ifstating that the door is on one side, a wardrobe. Moving hats and coats from the back of the cabinet where you should play it safe a small clock, someone is revealed, the devil is the fingering of a knife, and when he finally moves hats and hands first, you see nothing but the bottom of the cabinet, and peeling wallpaper, just what someone who had never seen the house, expect to see, and this is the scariest part of it.

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