Monday, November 29, 2010

John Kerry's testimony: "The last man to die for a mistake" - Vietnam War hearing Part 2 (1971) 22nd April 1971 View full testimony: came after the return to the U.S., Kerry Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW). After numbering about 20,000, was about VVAW (including the administration of President Richard Nixon) as very effective, if controversial, the members of the antiwar movement. On April 22, 1971, Kerry was the first Vietnam veteran to Congress on the war, when he came to testify before aSenate committee hearing on proposals to end the war. He was a member of the United States Navy Reserve with the rank of Lieutenant JG. The use of uniforms and green ribbons of service, spoke for nearly two hours with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee during the hearing of the so-called Fulbright, after the chairman of the proceedings, Senator JW Fulbright. Kerry began with a prepared speech, which presented the results of the Winter SoldierSearch, then changed to a large political problems to be solved. The day after this declaration, Kerry took in a rally with thousands of other veterans, he and other veterans threw their medals and ribbons over a fence erected on the Capitol steps UP to dramatize their opposition to the war. Jack Smith, a Marine, read a statement of why the veterans, their military decorations, the government back. For more than two hours,about 1,000 angry ...

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