Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Home Maintenance Checklist for Fall and Winter

This morning we were surprised to find seven inches of fresh snow. It's much too early for all that, and my pulse is still encountered, from the struggle to find hats, snowpants and matching gloves for each of my children before they out the door for school. As much as I would like to deny it, winter is on its way.

Here is a checklist of fall and winter home maintenance tasks to prepare your home (and your family) for the colderTemperatures ahead.


Scrape peeling paint and apply touch up paint to your siding, trim, and fences.

Check the condition of your platform, and application of a waterproofing sealer if necessary.

Check weatherstripping on doors. Fix.

Check for thick windows. Fix.

Clean and store outdoor furniture.

Clean and store bicycles and playground equipment.

Wash all windows inside and out.

Clean removal, storage and summer displays.

InstallStorm windows and doors.

Check roof for damaged or missing shingles or problems with flashing. Fix.

Clear gutters and inspect downspouts.

Check sidewalks and driveways for cracks or other damage. Fix.

Are you looking for snow removal tools: snow shovel, plows and snowblowers. Make sure that they are ready to go.

Lawn and Garden:

Blowing out and winterizing sprinkler systems or isolate exterior faucets and water pipes.

Drain and store gardenHoses.

Fertilization and reseed your lawn.

Prune trees and shrubs.

Remove annuals.

Cut back perennials.

Rake leaves.


Schedule a cleaning and inspection of the heating system.

Inspect your fireplace and chimney. Simply call a professional chimney sweep if necessary.

Perform seasonal maintenance on your water heater.

Schedule a professional carpet cleaning.

Clean and inspect dryer hoses and exterior dryer can be blocked.

ChangeFurnace filters, and plan your filter changes every month during the winter. Monthly filter changes can really help reduce energy costs.

Check the air ducts. Call a duct cleaning if it has a few years since your lines have been professionally cleaned. If you are changing your furnace filter frequently and your lines already have been cleaned recently, simply take off the register covers and vacuum inside.

Change in warm beds. Replace cotton sheets withFlannel. Add Bed warmer altitudes.

Make sure your family members are equipped with everything they need for the cold winter months: gloves, hats, boots, snowpants, warm socks and coats.

Check the batteries in your carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors.

Check your fire extinguishers.

Talk about family safety plans and escape routes. Review your "meeting place" in the event of a house fire in order to ensure that everyone knows what to do and wherego.

Inspect your attic to ensure it's always cool to make the fresh air and that there was no evidence of condensation.

Check attic fans.

Prepare your home for a power outage. Check the batteries in your flashlights and ensure that they are easily accessible. Also make sure a supply of perishable foods, have a manual can opener, and a traditional corded phone or cell phone available.


Make sure your tires are for winter weather in your fairRange.

Check your car battery.

Check antifreeze levels.

Make sure extra windshield wiper fluid in the car, as well as a brush and ice scraper, blanket, jumper cables, and first-aid kit. If you live in an area where you expect extreme winter conditions, you may also want to keep a tow rope, shovel, and help win a bag of sand or kitty litter on your tires traction on icy roads.

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