Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tips To Protect Your Health In Winter Weather

Protect your health in the wintertime is not as difficult as it sounds, here are some tips for preventing typical problems during the coldest time of year.

Immune System

Prevention is really the key to not get sick. The elderly, children and people with depressed immune systems could be considered always take a flu shot that you can from them to protect the flu. You can also improve the immune system through proper diet and taking the correct vitamins and minerals for your age andBody type. Even a multi-vitamin is better than nothing, but consider supplementing with vitamin C and zinc, both of which demonstrably enhance the immune system.


Your skin can often have a beating during the winter months. In your home or at work you will be subjected to heat from electricity, gas, oil or wood fire heaters dry. In addition, you can also take longer, and certainly a hot bath or shower. Outside your house, you submit to too dry, wet or windy, cold weather. Movinginside and outside of dry heat, dry cold havoc on your skin, making it dry, itchy, red, scaly and irritated. The skin of the face is particularly vulnerable to this problem. Use moisturizers and moisturizing lotions daily to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. You can also use a humidifier, to return some much needed moisture into the air you add to your home or workplace. Do not forget to protect your skin from the ravages of sunlight or wind, by all parts of thebody by wearing gloves, a scarf, ear muffs and a hat when you go out. Remember to cleanse your face everyday with a gentle soap and lukewarm water. You may also wish to add a bath oil product to your baths to moisturize the skin on your entire body. The skin on your hands will also be very susceptible to drying and irritation, remedy this by applying a hand cream after each time you wash your hands.


Your lips are one of the hardest hit areas of your body during cold weather, especially in very dry and cold weather. Your lips may be chapped, dry and peel much easier. Keep a moisturizing, protective lip balm to keep up with you and apply daily or as needed to the lips moist and supple and to prevent painful cracking.


While in some areas of the country the sun is not nearly as much as the rest of the year, it is still important to take care of your eyes during cold weather. Use sunglasses if necessary, as the sun during theWinter can shine UV rays are even stronger than in summer. Also, use eye drops as needed to prevent dry eyes and dry because of the heat, which may be present inside relieve. When the snow appears on the floor and / or the sun, this is the most important time to protect your eyes from UV rays of the winter sun with a good sunglasses or safety glasses.


In the exercise, shoveling snow or working outside in cold weather, take extra care to avoid strain.Exertion in cold weather can be a put additional strain on the heart. If you need to train instead, you should work in your home or in a gym. It is very important that your fitness routine throughout the year, even in winter.

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