Friday, May 14, 2010

Learn to ski collisions with simple techniques

If you're like many, you may be fascinated by the bump-skiing, but a bit 'tired when you can. Alpine skiing is hard enough, and the average of the Earth - Due to the rough and everything changes. Skiers dressed in ski and luxury "make it look so easy," adds only our fear. However, you can learn to ride the bumps quickly and efficiently.

If you talk to experts, you can hear the following: "All you have to do is keep the skis on the snowAbsorption and extension. Keep your upper body down and get into the car and ski poles. "Ok ..... Thanks for the tips, what the hell does that mean?

The reality is this - magnate seems much smaller than the chair. its first setback of his hat after losing could achieve. The second turns and turns his upper body so completely out of control. The third bump, smiling, as we shall see you on skis, and the earth with a thud in the cap number four.Frustrated, but determined to try again with the same exact result - do not worry - there is a solution!

First of all, do not discourage or make available to understand and avoid excuses. techniques ski came with a positive attitude and willingness to learn. If you are nervous of people watching - get over it. If you plan to injure or destroy to get their knees - not to be. While taking a magnate good lesson, a lesson in an hour is not to docompetent.

Is there an easier way. We can learn from the bumps on a softer line with the practice of some of the basics of skiing. The idea that the cross makes you a better skier, and to some extent, be ignored. The more you develop skiing in the wrong direction, the more bad habits and cement. We can not continue the bad habits and ski bumps effectively. If you do, you're doomed to failure and injury. What we need is a first step back and look at some basic exercises.

Usare two main tasks: pin Side Slider

The first activity is sliding side doors and can begin the practice work this year right in your living room. To start, only horizontally, vertically as if on a ski slope. Let's start looking to the right, as if his left arm was in the "case" of inaccuracy. Standing in your socks, roll slowly over the right ankle, so that the balance on the sides of the feet. We want to say that weFeeling that everything in the house, not with our margins slope, falling down the mountain. Then, slowly fade down to earth. Practice this first in both directions. Now try it with boots. Do you feel uncomfortable - this is normal. Practice in small quantities for only a few minutes a day.

When in the mountains, do the same as above, but with their skis on. Relaxing the constraints that flatten the skis, you will start to slide downhill. Let your body go with the skis. IfDip tips ski forward, lift your toes to balance and normal to the mountain. If your tail to start down, press the toes down. Play with this exercise until it feels good to keep your skis perpendicular to the film. Start Now press your toes down to go skiing down. Then lift your toes to compensate for the tail ski. Practice this chair rock back and forth as you slowly work your way down the hill. We have a better idea of whatinvolved in the bumps, but for now just understand that is the basis for a better control of the skis.

The following activity is dynamic Activa. This can be done at home. Imagine that down, and focused on an object at your door or wall. In the middle, standing on a towel (preferably in a wood or tile floor), turn both feet to the left, then right - round - just like a sock hop, but keep your body (hip) from the wall.

Whenin the snow, found a small hill, the tips of their tails are skiing in the snow increased. It 's probably on the mountain side to stand beside the track. If you look on the right side, swing flattening the skis and ski boots Pivot left in the opposite direction. The key is to continue to focus on the legs. Let your feet below the pivot point, while his upper body is still down. Are a couple of times - drop is acceptable and normal part of this learning. Drill

This exercise is difficult, no doubt, but the muscles, which in turn raises allow skiers and holes - so it is important.

If you are satisfied with two sliding side doors and pivot turns, head of the shock.

If you are looking down a field Mogul, focusing on the tops of the shocks. The coating has to go, and, of course, raise their tails to go skiing. The valleys and depressions are often cold and unforgiving of a skier to take first.The top of the moguls are soft, snow soft. So was the "top" of his magnates first glance left and right at the top of the page. Important - you will see a flat ridge that connects the top. "No peak skiing, ice bucket.

Faced with an address at the top of a mogul field, use the side-slip and slide technique for your next job down. This 'decent' in one direction is a great confidence booster. However, in due course places like ski runsas wide. So if you feel comfortable and that the country early next tycoon, try a pivot turn. Just go directly to ski in the desired direction. Remember that you can speed your side with the cursor. As you slide the front of the headset, you can increase or decrease the pressure of the edges (ie speed) while searching for his next high.

This style of skiing is slower and more controlled. E 'for those who ski the bumps ideal first. Sliding door side rotation and looksto maintain control, so time to get comfortable and build confidence you need. If you are comfortable with these techniques in shock and feeling superior, skiing, ice cube tray. Try the gutter in front of goal you have in yours, but in no time. Get discouraged, disheartened and cold. Skiing the bumps have not become a flood of contradictory movements and knee-jack hammers. Practice swings and sliding side is separated - are. PracticeParties - then put them together in the holes. It 'a lot more fun if you can magnates work for you!

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