Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Need more energy in winter

Finally, an incredible autumn with lots of sunshine and good weather, winter is approaching us with rain, fog and cold winds. The days are short and this is wrapped in thick layers, gloves, hats and warm up before going out ... if we all go. Energy exercises "Sun" leaves us, and hear the statements of more and more about the low consumption and low motivation to be active and doing things.

So if you want to change the direction of energy-efficient homesand laziness, read the advice and inspiration can come with their own action plan for a new energy this week and throughout the winter to get out -!

Change your attitude - be grateful for more time to think and meditate, or just curl up and read a good book should. This is the time to do, instead of outside inside - a great place to be!
To go no matter what - there is no bad weather, only bad clothes!
payAttention to a balanced diet and vitamins - perhaps even food supplements
meditate or listen to music inspired more balanced and reasoned
stimulated a bit 'outside the normal routine
taking a hot bath, go to the sauna or enjoy pampering massage
begins to dance or do more exercise groped for it again - maybe even a new sport
In case of problems, stay on task, or focus on a project that would really make a team with someone and act asCheerleaders (a coach is also a good choice)
Writing a diary of the day, feelings and thoughts - even on what you want to invite into your life in detail
Reward yourself for your efforts and celebrate every little success
Have fun and be playful !!!!!

To kick off its "winter program of energy act now and take the first step today!

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