Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Things, premature aging of the skin - Avoid the sun to prevent skin aging due to the

Wondering why your skin looks old, though not so old? Want to things, knowing the cause, premature aging of the skin? Then you should read this book!

About the most common things to be informed leaders of premature aging of human skin. You should avoid if you want to look young and beautiful skin, as long as possible!

Basically there are three (3) things that can accelerate skin aging.This is in case (too) are in contact with them. Anyway, here they are:

have dry skin.

Of course there are other factors that influence skin aging. But in general, seem to be problematic.

Sun can age skin prematurely

The first factor that will make your skin age faster than it is in the sun. To be precise, are particularly dangerous UVA and UVB rays of the sun, as is well known.

When exposed this at least a few minutes every day without protection and protect your skin with sunscreen will definitely suffer the skin from premature aging!

That is, I suggest you use a sunscreen on your skin every minute spent in the sun. This applies to the winter! Do not think for one second that the winter can damage the skin in the sun, because it can and will!

Because the sun is strongest in summer, in fact,> Winter, you should use sunscreen during the summer months, even if it's cloudy outside.

Do you have children? Be sure to protect them too! Do not let sunburn. prematurely aged skin is not the only problem, obtained from sunlight. There are worse things like skin cancer.

As you know, have greatly reduced the ozone layer throughout the pollution that we as humans have to do Mother Earth. However, we must live a life andThe hope that things will change soon.

Addressing the things that cause premature aging of the skin. As mentioned above, smoking (more specifically, cigarette smoke) and dry skin also cause premature aging.

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